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HyperV NIC Teaming

Here is a quick how to for setting up HyperV NIC teaming. Keep in mind, NIC Teaming has already been setup.

Note: NIC Teaming has already been setup in Broadcom Access Control Suite (BACS)

First we will look at our Network Adapter Settings on our virtual machine. Notice that we need to create a new Virtual Switch called:  Team 2 – 3

Click on Virtual Switch Manager and click New Virtual Network Switch.

We want to use the External option because we need the virtual machine to map to our teamed NIC.

Click Create Virtual Switch

On the next screen, go ahead an fill in the information like I have done below.
-You do not have to use Team 2 -3 for the Name

Press Apply to save changes and you are almost done!

Go back to your virtual machine and navigate to the Network Adapter settings. You should see your new virtual switch in the drop down menu under Virtual Switch.

Select your virtual switch and press Apply

That’s it! Your virtual machine should now be configured to use your virtual NIC Teamed configuration

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