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How do I create a FileZilla FTP user?

The following article explains how to create a FileZilla FTP user. Each FTP user must be given a unique username and is granted access to folders that you specify. Before users can be created, Filezilla FTP server must be installed on your server.

To create a Filezilla FTP user, please follow these steps:

  1. From the Edit menu, select Users.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the user name and click OK.
  4. Under Account settings, check the password box and enter a password.
  5. Click Shared folders in the left menu.
  6. Under Shared Folders, click Add.
  7. Navigate to the folder the user will have access to and click OK.
  8. Check the permissions the user should have on this folder.
  9. Click OK.
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