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An Introduction to Ethernet Switching
When you stop to think how well the internet is put together, you start to wonder how the internet coexists with all the chaos that results from broadcasts, data collision, …
A Guide to Network Topology
A network topology is how computers, printers, and other devices are connected over a network. It describes the layout of wires, devices, and routing paths. Essentially there are six different …
The Differences Between LANs, MANs and WANs
There are several types of computer network designs- you are more than likely familiar with the LAN, or local area network. But the fun doesn’t stop there- we have MANs, …
A Brief Overview Of Networking Media
There is all sorts of networking media lying around for the taking. We have copper-base media, optical fiber, and the new contender: wireless. This article covers a brief overview of …
Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) Explained
First thing is first: save yourself some trouble and remember that carrier sense multiple access collision detect is best referred to as simply CSMA/CD. We’ve heard some ridiculously long terms …